Welcome to
Zanwar Gastro Clinic
Leading gastrointestinal clinic in Mumbai,
known for its outstanding medical skills and
patient-centered treatment.
Leading gastrointestinal clinic in Mumbai, known for its outstanding medical skills and patient-centered treatment.

At Zanwar Gastro Clinic, we aim to provide you with the best gastrointestinal care. Our experienced doctor treats every patient with empathy, kindness, and humility. Providing patients with good health and complete satisfaction is the main purpose.
Best Gastroenterology Clinic in Mumbai
Feel free to get in touch with Zanwar Gastro Clinic today.
The second opinion center
Visit us to confirm if you really need
- Endoscopy
- Biologicals for ulcerative colitis/Crohn’s disease
- Liver transplant for your liver disease
- Surgery for gall bladder stones
To our credit we have managed many patients successfully by avoiding all above i.e. endoscopy, biologicals, liver transplant and others….
You don't need endoscopy if?
- As a policy, we avoid unnecessary endoscopies even when referred to us for same
- You don’t need an endoscopy
- If you are young and have very recent onset(<7days) of indigestion related complaints
- If you are young and have a very recent onset(<7days) of constipation along with
- No weight loss
- No blood in stool
- No significant pain
Associated Hospitals

Our Interesting Cases
EUS Guided Gastro-jejunostomy
A 67 year old male presented with recurrent vomiting to us. He was found to have cancer in gall bladder causing obstruction of intestine. We placed a stent from stomach directly connecting his intestine and he could start eating very next day.

Removing large stones from bile duct
- An 87 year old lady was referred from Abu Dabhi for jaundice and pain and her CT scan was suggestive of stone in bile duct.
- She was rejected for any endoscopic surgery we removed a large stone from her bile duct using endoscopic therapy – ERCP
- A major surgery was avoided
Using LASER treatment for gall stones

Boerhaave’s syndrome
- A 58 year old male who had rupture of esophagus and admitted in ICU after a failed surgery.
- He was treated endoscopically with closure of defect using a padlock clip.
- https://journals.lww.com/ghep/fulltext/2021/01040/endoscopic_management_of_failed_surgical_repair_of.9.aspx

First case of retroperitoneal paraganlioma detected on EUS from India
- 33 year old female presented to us with pain and CT scan outside was suggestive of mass in abdomen, biopsy using usual techniques was not possible.
- EUS guided biopsy found it to be a rare paraganglioma
- https://journals.lww.com/ghep/fulltext/2022/02020/eus_guided_tissue_acquisition_from_the.4.aspx

Endosonography guided liver abscess drainage
- A 62 year old male presented to us with fever and pain in abdomen. He was found to have pus collection in liver – sonography/CT guided aspiration was not feasible.
- We did the first endosonography guided pus drainage in central India region. Patient recovered in 2 days without major surgery
- https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0042-1747912

EUS guided gall bladder stone treatment

Endoscopic tumor removal

POEM procedure for difficulty in swallowing